“Despite our efforts to keep him out, God intrudes. The life of Jesus is bracketed by two impossibilities: a virgin’s womb and an empty tomb. Jesus entered our world through a door marked ‘No Entrance’ and left through a door marked ‘No Exit.’” -- Peter Larson
Edge n. 1. A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument. 2. The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade. 3. A penetrating, incisive quality. 4. A slight but noticeable sharpness or harshness. 5. The line of intersection of two surfaces. 6. A rim or brink. 7. The point at which something is likely to begin. 8. The area or part away from the middle; an extremity. 9. A dividing line; a border.
Friday, December 21, 2007
God Intrudes!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Statistical Shell Game
A Christianity Today editorial | posted
Rarely do media report about the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) without mentioning its 16 million members. That's a problem SBC president Frank Page wants to correct.
"I never talk about 16 million. That is ridiculous," Page said. "I teasingly say the FBI could not find 5 million of our members."
The slide into fudged numbers begins innocently enough. Every number tells the story of a life we believe God has transformed. Maybe some wayward church members just need a little encouragement, rather than to be cut from the rolls. Besides, impressive numbers draw attention to the gospel in this American culture that demands results. Mainstream media coverage of religion has improved since legions of "values voters" received credit for reelecting President Bush.
Once rationalized, it's painfully difficult to reverse course on swollen statistics. During the annual SBC meeting in June, messengers debated a resolution that encouraged the convention to stand by the historic Baptist emphasis on "regenerate church membership," in which pastors hold church members accountable in belief and practice. But the resolution failed, just as it did the year before. Opponents cited Baptist polity and said the convention had no authority to tell churches how they should regulate membership and report those numbers.
The failed resolution's statement on statistical accuracy, at least, ought to attract widespread support. Since World War II, leading evangelicals have regarded statistics as a matter of gospel integrity. That's because revivalists in the early 20th century often exaggerated the size of their flocks. The statistical shell game may work in the short term, but eventually someone uncovers the truth.
"The tendency among some evangelists was to exaggerate their successes or to claim higher attendance numbers than they really had," Billy Graham wrote in Just As I Am. "This likewise discredited evangelism and brought the whole enterprise under suspicion."
Graham and his team agreed they would rely on official police counts for their public statistics. The move required restraint, because police often underestimated crusade crowds. But Graham rightly erred on the side of caution. So should today's evangelical leaders. Relief and development ministries, for example, discredit their vital work if they exaggerate the number of mouths they feed or loans they administer.
A fate worse than insignificance awaits us if we fail to be honest. The numbers trap tempts evangelicals to implement programs that will boost the bottom line, regardless of their biblical warrant. "What works?" begins to replace, "What does God's Word teach us?" Such programs may appear to succeed for a time. But Jesus told a parable about what happens when we do not build on the foundation of his Word. The rains will come, the floodwaters will rise, and the winds will blow against that house. Sooner or later, the house will fall. And great will be that fall, Jesus warned (Matt.
One day, the elements will test what we have built in our churches, crusades, and mercy ministries. The greater the exaggeration, the greater the fall.
Copyright © 2007 Christianity Today.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Planting 1 for 10!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
John Donne's Prayer
“Batter my heart, three-personed God, for you
As yet but knock, breathe, shine, and seek to mend;
That I may rise, and stand, o’erthrow me, and bend
Your force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.”
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Charles Spurgeon on keeping your edge...
“If you want your people, as well as yourself, to be soul winners, keep up prayer meetings all you can. Let it be such a prayer meeting that there is not the like of it within 7000 miles. Keep up the prayer meeting, whatever else fails. Somehow we must keep up the prayer meetings, for they are very secret source of power with God and with men.”
“It is no use talking about the “higher life” on Sundays and then living the lower life on weekdays. We also ought to be willing to abstain from things that might not be wrong in themselves, but that might be an occasion of stumbling for others.”
“Our walk and conversation should be the most powerful part of our ministries. This is what is called being consistent, when lips and life agree.”
“No man, even when converted, has any power except as that power is daily, constantly, and perpetually infused into him by the Spirit.”
“A man’s life is always more forcible than his speech; when men take stock of him they reckon his deeds as pounds and his words as pence. If his life and his doctrines disagree, the mass of on-lookers accept his practice and reject his preaching. A man may know a great deal about truth, and be a very damaging witness on its behalf, because he is no credit to it.”