Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Extinct Fish? Bad day for evolutionists...

Indonesian fisherman nets ancient fish


An Indonesian fisherman has caught a coelacanth, an ancient fish once thought to have become extinct at the time of the dinosaurs, a fishery expert said on Monday.

Yustinus Lahama and his son caught the fish on Saturday in the sea off North Sulawesi province and kept it at their house for an hour, said Grevo Gerung, a professor at the fisheries faculty at the Sam Ratulangi University.

After being told by neighbours it was a rare fish he took it back to the sea and kept it in a quarantine pool for about 17 hours before it died.

Coelacanths are known from the fossil records dating back more than 360 million years, according to the Australian Museum Fish Web site...they were believed to have become extinct approximately 80 million years ago, when they disappeared from the fossil record, it said.

The experts were wrong?