Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Isn't "50" just half-time?

Well, it's started. Looks like some fun is ahead as I approach the magnificent milestone of the big "50." Half a century. Is this the middle of middle age?

The first e-mail of what may be numerous and similarly humorous e-mails came through this morning from Chad McCallum. Thanks Chad!

"Mark – thinking of you this morning as you approach the proverbial summit of your life…

I have been thinking of some hymns for the over-50 crowd (now that you are soon to be numbered among that number)…

1. “Precious Lord, Take my Hand, and Help Me Up”

2. “It is Well with my Soul; but my Knees Hurt”

3. “Nobody Knows the Trouble I have Seeing”

4. “Go Tell it on the Speed Bump”

5. “I Love to Tell the Same Story”

6. “Just a Slower Walk with Thee”

7. “Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah, I’ve Forgotten where I Parked”

Here is to another 50 years of life and ministry! In the words of George Burns, “If you live to be one hundred, you've got it made. Very few people die past that age!”

Blessings on my friend!
