"You are looking at/bidding on a very contemporary out of the box Pastor. As you can tell by the pictures He preaches and teaches in a very unorthodox manner. He does it without compromising the true written word of God. He and his family has chosen to go this route of putting themselves on the market in hopes to find a church that is untraditional and is ready to reach their community. He and his family will consider relocating in the contentinental United States. For any questions or more information feel free to email Pastor Chad at pastorchad72@gmail.com or visit his my space at
Edge n. 1. A thin, sharpened side, as of the blade of a cutting instrument. 2. The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade. 3. A penetrating, incisive quality. 4. A slight but noticeable sharpness or harshness. 5. The line of intersection of two surfaces. 6. A rim or brink. 7. The point at which something is likely to begin. 8. The area or part away from the middle; an extremity. 9. A dividing line; a border.